
Friday, February 1, 2013

David slew Goliath

As we continue to fight and wait, then wait and fight to take back control of our schools ( I say 'wait' because currently so much of our fate is now in the hands of the legal system and all we can do is wait for justice to eventually be delivered) the one thought that never leaves my mind is the thought of what happens to Detroit's children -and what will happen to our city - if we don't win this thing. This is truly an epic battle on the scale of Davis vs Goliath, with the Detroit School Board and yours truly playing the part of David. But in the end, David slew Goliath, and I can tell you for certain that we have a few weapons David never even dreamed of, let alone Goliath.

Those who are following this ongoing drama closely have no doubt already learned the the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Education has agreed to investigate two civil rights complaints that have been filed against Detroit Public Schools and is looking into a complaint against the State of Michigan. This is just the beginning. One thing Emergency Financial Manager Roy Roberts and Gov. Snyder are hopefully beginning to understand about the opposition is that we never quit and we never go away. Not when we know we're right. And that's why those of us engaged in this fight realize that this is one for all the marbles. This is winner take all. And we simply cannot allow Gov. Snyder and his hired help to steal democracy from Detroit simply because he feels he is entitled to replace our democracy with an experiment of his choosing. An experiment that he would never in his wildest dreams enforce against his own neighbors - or those of Roy Roberts.

DPS is not a plaything for the Governor to toy with. Real people are at risk.

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